What Will Be The New Normal?

So what is normal now?

Every single person has been affected by this worldwide pandemic, Covid-19.  All of our schedules and routines have changed and we have all had to adapt and change with it.

Some states are “opening” up again and others are wondering when.  This will come to an end, but does that mean things will be back to normal?

I like what Sam Luce said, “Don’t waste this crisis.

What does that mean?  To me it means that looking ahead, to get back to normal, may mean making some changes to my normal.

Many times we want to cling to the norm because it is familiar. It gives us a sense of being grounded.

But sometimes what is familiar, may not be what God has in mind.

I have changed over the last five weeks.  My family has changed.  Our ministry has changed.

When I think about how we reach our families, kids and volunteers I realize, it has had to change.

In Exodus 14, it tells the story of the Israelites fleeing Egypt. They came to the Red Sea. They were blocked.  In front of them the Red Sea, behind them Egypt.

The people in front stood and could heard the waves crashing on the shore.  The others in back could see the dust from the chariots pursuing them.  Many cried out in fear, begging to go back to Egypt. They looked back to their lives lived in slavery and wanted that more than what was in front of them.

Why did they do this?

For generations these people had only known slavery.  It had been their normal. They didn’t know anything different. They were afraid of the future, they were afraid of the uncertainty – even though, they had left Egypt.

Moses trusted God and had faith He would deliver them and He did.

I’m not totally sure what the new normal will be, but I have faith in God that He will show us.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

“For we live by faith, not by sight.”  2 Corinthians 5:7

  • Faith is believing in the unseen future – what we can’t see.
  • Faith is trusting God to lead, guide and care for us when we can’t see a way.
  • Faith is supernatural.

This is why we have been giving away Super Church 2.0 Faith for FREE!

Mark and I believe that as these lessons of faith are taught, FAITH will grow. 

  • Faith with grow in you.
  • Faith will grow in your kids.
  • Faith will grow in your church.

Super Church 2.0 Faith has 12 weeks of lessons for you to teach.

Click here to get your free SC 2.0 Faith curriculum.

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