Let’s face it: being a father in the 21st century is challenging.

Our culture is shouting about toxic masculinity, and many men feel hesitant—even afraid—to step up and lead their families. So what does it actually mean to be a godly man today?

Here’s the good news, Dad: You don’t have to be perfect. And you don’t have to let culture define who you are.

I won’t pretend to have all the answers, but I do know this: The most important thing you can do for your children is to love Jesus—and let them see you love Him.

In Scripture, one of David’s first acts as king was bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.

Before Jesus came, the Ark was the place where God’s presence dwelled. David loved God deeply and wanted to be near His presence. So when the Ark finally arrived, he stripped off his royal robes and danced before the Lord with all his might.

His wife Michal was embarrassed.

“You’re the king,” she said. “You should be more dignified.”

David replied, “I will become even more undignified than this.

Dignity is often defined as “a sense of pride in oneself.”

But pride is the opposite of worship. David understood that pride pushes God away. He didn’t care what others thought—he cared about God. So he worshiped without restraint.

Today, I hear Michal’s voice echoed in our culture, telling men what they should do and how they should act to be “real men.”

Don’t listen to that voice. The culture doesn’t know what a father is—but God does. He is the first Father.

Like David, lay aside your pride. Worship God passionately—and let your kids see you do it.

  • Sing to the Lord at church and at home
  • Lift your hands
  • Dance before the Lord
  • Weep in His presence

There’s a saying: “The best thing a father can do for his children is love their mother.

And while I agree with that… I believe there’s something even more important.

The best thing you can do for your children is to have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ—and express that love for Him in a way your kids can see.

This is why family worship matters.

We lose something valuable when we send kids out of the sanctuary during worship. Kids need to witness their dad, humble and surrendered before the Lord. They need to know that Dad follows someone greater than himself.

Another powerful thing you can do?

Serve in Kids Ministry.

Even once or twice a month. Worship with your children in their environment. Your presence in Kids Church speaks volumes. If you’ve never served in children’s ministry—or been a counselor at Kids Camp—you’re missing out.

Don’t let someone else take your place.

The culture may say it’s not manly.

But who cares?

Your kids don’t think that. Your kids think it’s amazing.

They need you close. Your presence in their classroom matters.

So what are you waiting for?

You can start today.

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