How To Talk To Preschool Kids About Salvation

A foundation is a basis upon which something stands or is supported.

When ministering to preschool children you are establishing their foundation – It’s a foundation upon which their spiritual life will stand and be supported.

Ninety percent (90%) of a child’s personality is formed before the age of 5 years old.

You have an incredible opportunity to influence the character of the kids you are teaching.

You don’t want to lose a minute Look at the time you have with them as precious and valuable, as you teach them the ways of the Lord.

Remember, they are a spirit and they can know God.

The kids in your class are created in the image of God.

They do not have junior spirits. You are introducing them to Father God. What an honor it is!

So, where do you start?

Talk to your kids about having a relationship with Jesus.

The Pre-school age is a great time to begin to teach about what Jesus did for us.

Remember you are laying the foundation – you are not building the whole structure, so you don’t give them ALL you know.

Altar Calls

In my preschool classes I do not give an altar call at every service.

I give an altar call only when I taught about salvation.

At this young age it is important to give children the opportunity, but their understanding of responding is limited.

I have found that when I would give altar calls weekly, many of the children would respond repeatedly.


If you choose to give an altar call it is important step is to screen all of the children before you pray with them.

Click here if you would like my Salvation Experience Guidelines.

One time, many years ago, Mark and I were helping Willie George at the Convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

We were ministering to preschoolers at the Tulsa Convention Center.

Willie wanted us to do an altar call every night.

We had someone else lined up to pray with the children.

200 hundred kids responded to the altar call. So I took 200 3-5 year olds next door into this long, skinny room.

After screening all of the preschoolers, 6 knew they wanted to pray the prayer of salvation and 194 had to go the bathroom.

My point it we are not just after numbers.

Make sure kids know what to ask Jesus in their heart before you pray with them,

Bite-size Pieces

Our grand-baby Andrina is 18-months old.

I get to see her at least once a week for dinner or lunch.

We give her the same food that we eat we just cut it into smaller pieces.

She can eat (almost) anything that we eat it just has to be in smaller bite sizes.

The important thing to remember when ministering to preschoolers is that we don’t water down our message we break it up into bite size pieces.

Preschools can a real relationship with Jesus Christ. It just comes in smaller bites.

Here is an example of a Sunday School Lesson about salvation.

Jesus Our Example

Scripture Reference: John 15:13

Materials Needed: Large wooden cross, wooden mallet or hammer, large nails

Preparation: Place wooden cross in full view of children. Place other items out of view until lesson time.

Central Truth: Jesus is our example of love.

Object Lesson:

When you see a cross what do you think of? (Allow children to respond.) A cross reminds me of Jesus. What happened to Jesus on the cross? Jesus died on the cross, but he did a lot more. He gave His life for us on the cross.

Jesus didn’t want to die on the cross. But He knew He had to. Jesus dies on the cross so we could go to heaven.

On the day that Jesus was crucified, Roman soldiers came and made Him carry His own cross. (Put the large cross over your shoulder and start walking around the room.) Jesus was tired and wounded. He had just been whipped. But He had to carry His cross.

When Jesus came to the top of the mountain, the soldiers laid Him down on the cross. Then they nailed His hands and His feet to the cross.

While Jesus was hanging on the cross, He looked down at the soldiers and said, “Father forgive them.”

Why did Jesus die on the cross? Jesus does so we could love. Jesus died because he loves your and me. Jesus told us that we are to love one another, just like He loved us. How did Jesus love us? He died for us.

How can we love like Jesus loved? Because Jesus told us we could. He told us to love one another just like He did. So whenever you see a cross, remember that Jesus died for you and for me.

Jesus died so we could go to Heaven.

Did you know that we have a whole curriculum series written specifically for Preschoolers?

CLICK HERE for more info.

8 thoughts on “How To Talk To Preschool Kids About Salvation

  1. Virginia Shunkwiler says:

    LOVED THIS….”The important thing to remember when ministering to preschoolers is that we don’t water down our message we break it up into bite size pieces” Really love always ‘learning’ from you and Pastor Mark!

  2. says:

    Great article, Deb! All four of my children were under 5 when they accepted Jesus, each at very different teachable moments. The foundation is SO important to give the the frame of reference they need.

    • Super Church says:

      Thanks, Laura. It is amazing to me how “individual” we are. Each one of us is special and have our own deal going on with God. It is great that it can start so early too. Blessings Debbie

  3. Jimmy Tobias says:

    I am with Virginia on this one, I absolutely LOVE the “bite size pieces” statement. Great article!

  4. Vijaya Thomas says:

    Excellently written. All the parents should minister to their children from early age…as they ARE spirits who can know Jesus even as tiny babies.

    Somehow we normally tend to nourish only their bodies and minds when they are babies; and the nourishment of soul is kept for later times.

    After reading this article, it makes sense to start even spiritual growth as early as possible. PTL.

  5. Funmi Otuyelu says:

    Read this all the way from Lagos Nigeria. A 3year old sunday school teacher. This message here has so blessed me and also opened my eyes about Ministering to pre-schoolers. What an Honor to be the first to introduce them to the Father!
    – that they are spirits.
    – the message is the message only served in smaller portions /bites/and cuts. Thank you and may God bless your ministry richly in Jesus name. (Amen)

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