Is Tithing For the New Testament Believer?

Recently an influential pastor of a mega-church said that he has changed his position on tithing. Since then I have noticed many blogs and posts debating the issue of tithing.

No one seems to disagree that tithing is in the Bible. There are numerous scriptures in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Malachi about tithing.

However, some people do make a good point when they say, “The New Testament says very little about tithing.”

Here are the questions I am proposing to answer:

  1. Is tithing for the New Testament believer?
  2. How come the New Testament does not say more about tithing?
  3. Does God want me to tithe?


The word “tithe” is mentioned three times in the New Testament.

In Matthew 23:23, Jesus talks to the Pharisees, condemning them for being legalistic about tithing but neglecting the more important issues of justice, mercy and faith.  Jesus then goes on to tell them that they should in fact tithe, but that they shouldn’t neglect the more important things. The people in favor of tithing say that this is important because Jesus recognized the importance of tithing. The people opposed to tithing say that Jesus was talking to people who were still under the law. There is truth on both sides of the argument.

In Hebrews 7:1-10 (link: the author of Hebrews refers to the time that Abraham gave a tenth of his plunder to Melchizedek. We do not know for sure who Melchizedek is. He seems to show up out of nowhere and there is no record of his birth. Many Bible scholars believe Melichizedek is a pre-incarnate visitation of the Lord.

This story of Abraham paying tithes is important because it takes place hundreds of years before the law. There was no Levitical priesthood and there was no requirement to tithe. Abraham tithed in response to God’s blessing on his life. This is a good example for New Testament believers it appears that Abraham’s tithe  was voluntary. In other words Abraham was not required to tithe, but he did it to honor the Lord.

The best argument for New Testament tithing is found in 1 Corinthians 9:13-14.

Don’t you know that those who serve in the temple get their food from the temple, and that those who serve at the altar share in what is offered on the altar? In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.”

In chapter nine of First Corinthians the apostle Paul is talking about supporting those who preach the Gospel and he refers back to the Levitical Priesthood. He even says that New Testament preachers should be supported “in the same way” as the Levites.

One thing that the people who are opposed to tithing never seem to address is this, how do we support the church if we stop tithing? It’s almost as if some people are not only anti-tithe, they are also anti-church. Think about it. What would happen to the Church if we all stopped tithing? It’s not a pretty picture.

Ministry in the local church is different than any other profession in that preachers do not charge for the services they provide.

The reason for this is two fold: First of all the Lord does not want hirelings.  A hireling is someone who is in ministry just for the paycheck. Secondly, we want unbelievers to come to church. Unbelievers are not going to support the church, so it is vital that those of us who do believe support the preaching of the gospel.

If someone has a better idea of how to support the Gospel, I’m all ears. If not with tithes and offerings then how do we support the church?


I think it’s a fair question. This is my opinion. You certainly are entitled to your opinion, but it’s my blog, so I get to go first. There are three reasons why the New Testament does not say more about tithing. 

  1. The Apostle Paul avoided using the word tithe so there was no confusion about the grace of God. In the early church believers were transitioning from Judaism to Christianity. In Judaism the tithe  supported the priesthood and you had to see a priest to get your sins forgiven. There was a direct line between tithes, offerings and their forgiveness. When Jesus cried “It is finished”, the veil in the temple was torn and everything changed.  Jewish Christians did not pay their tithes to the priest, but what should they do with their money? Paul taught Christians to give their money to support the preaching of the Gospel.
  2. New Testament tithing is voluntary. Tithing was required under the law, but not under grace. New Testament tithing is more than a financial transaction; it is part of our worship. When we tithe it is honoring to the Lord and demonstrates our gratitude. Does God want me to tithe? I believe that he does want me to tithe, but out of my love for him, not because I have to.
  3. Our tithing and giving changed in the New Testament just like our worship changed in the New Covenant. In the Old Covenant the tithe belongs to God. In the New Covenant we belong to God. It’s kind of like getting married. “The two become one.” It’s hard to separate what belongs to God and what belongs to me.

It’s interesting to note that every example of New Testament giving exceeded the tithe. My question for those who oppose tithing is this:  Are your giving more than the tithe? Whenever I have asked this question, I have never had anybody say, Yes.


GET THE BIG PICTURE: This is what happens when believer’s tithe:

  1. Tithing is honoring to God.
  2. Tithing promotes spiritual growth. As with any act of obedience tithing causes me to grow spiritually. After being in ministry for over 40 years I have noticed that people who tithe are the most mature people in the church.
  3. Tithing provides the church with resources to reach the lost. It may take a while for new believer’s to begin tithe, but when they do it gives the church the resources to reach more people for Christ.
  4. Every time I give to the Gospel I am laying up treasure in Heaven.


No, tithing in the New Testament is voluntary, however there is still a blessing connected with tithing.

  • Tithing is honoring to God.
  • It helps me
  • It helps my church
  • It helps believers
  • It helps unbelievers
  • And I am laying up treasure in heaven.

For me personally I have been tithing for over 40 years and I am going to continue to tithe. It’s one of my Christian disciplines like prayer and reading the Bible. I guess I see it as a blessing to both myself and the people around me, so why should I stop tithing just because a famous pastor says he changed his position.

5 thoughts on “Is Tithing For the New Testament Believer?

  1. Jerry Woitaszewski says:

    Very well said Pastor Mark!!! In the 37 years my family and I have been serving Jesus, we’ve been blessed beyond our wildest dreams!! And we believe that it had to do with our decision to tithe!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Pastor Pete Barby says:

    Thank you Pastor Mark for giving a very sound Bibical response regarding the spiritual discipline of giving for New Covenant Believers in Christ. Did not Jesus say, “When you pray, when you fast and when you give”? I agree, tithing is the mere minimum we should consider. I am so glad the Author and Perfecter of my faith didn’t just give 10% of Himself for us, but gave 100% of His life. Why would any of us who call Him Lord, in return give anything less?

  3. Ray Baldwin says:

    Great article my friend. Nancy and I have been tithing for almost 50 years. Even during some very lean years in ministry the tithe was and is extremely important to us. God has never left us wanting. We can see over the years how His blessings have sustained us through faithfully giving in both tithes and offerings. Early in our ministry we came into agreement that even if tithing was not a Biblical requirement we would still give because Jesus said, “Give and it shall be given unto you…” Can’t argue with that!

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