Do Your Kids Know The Difference Between Christianity & Islam?

I have a couple of questions for you:Islam

  • Do your kids know the difference between Christianity and other religions?
  • Do your kids know that their college professors will make fun of them if they believe in creation?
  • Are you teaching them to defend their faith?
  • Are you preparing your kids for the battle for their soul?

The enemy doesn’t really have any new tactics. He is going to challenge the Biblical account of creation with the theory of evolution. He is going to make fun of our kids if they believe in a God they cannot see.  He is going to say they are bigots if they don’t accept other religions.

Let’s set our kids up for success? Instead of pretending that other religions don’t exist, let’s give them the test ahead of time and tell them the answers to the questions.

Your kids may attend school with kids who are Islamic or Hindu or even atheist. Their parents tell them that their faith is the correct one. How do we know that Jesus is the only way to God?

The primary difference is that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. You can go to the grave of Muhammad or Buddha, but if you go to the tomb of Jesus it is empty because He is alive. 

When our kids are little we can sing, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so,” but as they get older we need to teach them to think for themselves and prepare them for battle.

Here is a link to an interactive object lesson I use to teach kids that God is the creator of the universe. Link to the “Lego Race.”

The “Lego Race” comes from The Core – Super Church 2.0.


2 thoughts on “Do Your Kids Know The Difference Between Christianity & Islam?

  1. says:

    Once again SuperChurch brings something relevant to our children to the fore front. Thank you for this thoughtful insights and succinctly speaking truth that relates easily to our children. I am so grateful that the Lord led me to your website. Just downloaded the free video Lizard Soup. Another bonus. Thanks SuperChurch!

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