Why did I write Super Church Curriculum?

“Write the vision, and make a plan upon tables that he may run that readeth it…” – Habakkuk 2:2

When I first began to teach children, I had a difficult time finding material and curriculums. The materials that were available at that time were outdated and did not cover Pentecostal or Charismatic principles.

Most curriculum companies leave out things like the gifts of the spirit, praying in tongues etc., because it was considered controversial and it would narrow the “market”.

After much frustration, I decided to write my own stuff.  The Holy Spirit impressed my wife, Debbie, and I to put our teaching in print, so children in churches around the world could be blessed.

There are three things that the Lord instructed us to do with Super Church 2.0 curriculum:

1. Make It Fun

I believe church should be the most exciting place to be for a kid. The church I grew up in made little effort to make church fun for children. Super Church 2.0 is packed full of exciting, fun material to make church the place kids want to be at.  We have incorporated fun into the Drama Skits, Motion Comics and Short Films.  The Inter-Active Object Lessons involve the kid’s interaction in each lesson involving them in the fun.

2. Spirit-Filled Curriculum

The Holy Spirit instructed us to emphasize Charismatic and Pentecostal doctrine. Of course, we teach fundamentals doctrine like the Blood of Jesus and the Cross. We just don’t stop at the Cross, we go on to Pentecost.  The primary purpose of Super Church 2.0 is to lead children to salvation, and allow them to experience the power of the Holy Spirit.

3. Abundance of Material

One problem I had when teaching from curriculum was that my curriculum always seemed to run out before my pastor did. Super Church 2.0 is designed to last for 80-90 minutes. Super Church 2.0 is jam packed with material.

Each lesson includes a Lesson Outline, Large Group Object Lesson and Inter-Active Object Lesson, Service Order, Short Film, Motion Comic-The Adventures of The Masked Hero, Drama Skit, Digital Review Questions.  The Small Group Curriculum includes Pre-Service Ice Breakers, Bible Story, Small Group Object Lesson and you can send kids home with a Parent Handout each week.

Click Here to order Super Church 2.0

Click Here to order Kinder Church 2.0

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