5 Things Kids Learn When They Lead.

(Isaiah 11:6, “….a child shall lead them”)

People have wondered whether children learn to be leaders from their experiences or if leadership is something a person is born with.

Children are often judged by their size and not by their ability, whether they can lead others.

That is exactly what Samuel thought when he went to Jesse’s house to find a new king for Israel.  Saul was king over Israel, but he had become an evil king.

Jesse had eight sons and God told Samuel to go to Jesse’s house and anoint the next king.  When Samuel saw the oldest son with the big muscles he thought, “this must be the next king.”  But God said, “No, don’t look on the outside, look on the inside.”

I Samuel 16:7, But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”

Who did God pick to be king?  God picked the youngest boy.

His name was David and Samuel anointed him as king over Israel, right in front of his seven older brothers.

What do you think that David’s older brothers were thinking?

See, God doesn’t look at things like we do.  God wasn’t looking at David’s size, He was looking at his heart and He saw the heart of a leader.

So many times kids use their size as an excuse. The Bible says, “A little child shall lead them.”  That tells me that God wants to use kids to be leaders, just as He used David.  Once they know how God thinks they can’t say, “I’m too young to be a leader.”

We know that all children have the potential to develop leadership skills. They just need to know they can lead.  They have to believe in themselves. 

The first step in kids recognizing they can be a leader is understanding how much influence they really have.

I have a FREE Inter-Active Object Lesson that shows kids how much influence they really do have that I would like to give to you for free.

==>>CLICK HERE for your FREE Inter-Active Object Lesson, “The Crazy Cereal Eating Contest.”

We can teach children to take on leadership roles now and in the future.

There are 5 things kids learn when they lead:

  • Boosts their self-esteem
  • Improves communication skills
  • Helps them to identify their strengths and weaknesses
  • Teaches them to develop organizational skills
  • Teaches them to work with others

Every year I teach a series on Leadership to my kid’s church, and I have made this into a curriculum you can use too.

Super Church 2.0 Leadership is a 12-week series that teaches kids how to be a leader and an influencer for God.

If you would like a FREE Sample Lesson CLICK HERE

Super Church 2.0 Leadership is $149.

Right now you can get FREE Shipping too.

==>> CLICK HERE to order Super Church 2.0 Leadership

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