Save $97 when you purchase by the year. At Super Church we have eight – 13 week quarters that sell for $149 each. When you purchase a year of curriculum by the quarter, it would cost $596. When you purchase Super Church by the year it costs $499 – You Save $97! You can mix and […]
I’d like to share with you the most successful parent email I ever sent. I have found email to be an effective way to recruit parents to serve in Kids Ministry, but it has to be short, direct and give a strong ask. Like most churches, COVID decimated our volunteer force. When we re-started our […]
When I first started out teaching kids, I thought, “Where do I want my kids to be at the end of the year?” I picked out the topics I wanted to cover and then broke it down and developed the series I would teach. That is how Super Church Classic was created. I’ve got some good news. […]
By: Kelly Presson A Destination Some time ago as I was walking out of an average Kidmin service the Holy Spirit spoke to me very clearly. He asked if I knew the difference between an average Kids Ministry and a really good one. I remember thinking, “well I think I know, I certainly have ideas”. […]
It’s Here! 2022! This is the time of year that most of us make a promise to ourselves to do better, lose weight, get a new job, change our life. But statistically only about 8 percent of us who make a New Year’s resolution stick to it. So what do we do? Throw up our […]
CHRISTMAS MORNING CHRISTMAS MORNING BASKET Using a basket or box, fill it with things you may need for Christmas morning such as: scissors, batteries, extra ribbon, marker, paper, pen, trash bag. It will help so you won’t have to stop and scramble. DO IT AHEAD OF TIME Before wrapping your kids presents, open up the […]
STAY HEALTHY Life is getting real – right now. There are moments my head is spinning – and I know I am prepared for a festive holiday – but still… Let me tell you a story. Our kids (Marky and Missy) were grown and married. Missy and Lance lived in Oklahoma and Mark and Katie […]
Fun presents, extra sweets, a vacation from school—what’s not to like for a kid, at Christmastime? It is easy for children to get a little carried away. There may even be a point, when your kids get cranky or overtired and would rather watch Netflix than sit and talk with Grandma and Grandpa. Here are […]
THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! PART ONE I think it is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! But I will not kid you, it can also be one of the most stressful times of the year too. Just thinking about meeting the high expectations of the holiday may already be making you […]
Thanksgiving is a time where we stop and are thankful for what God has done for us. Many families have Thanksgiving traditions they celebrate on Thanksgiving Day, such as telling others what we are thankful for. When my kids were younger, as a parent, I wanted to see my kids be thankful, not just on […]