Several years ago, I had to fill in on my Wednesday night Preschool Class. Something came up at the last minute and the lead teacher couldn’t be there. So I grabbed the lesson. When I saw the lesson, I breathed a big sigh of relief. The Helmet of Salvation, this will go fine, so I […]
Click below to watch video. THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL TAKE THE CHICKEN OUT OF YOU (Rubber Chicken) Have you ever been afraid to tell others about Jesus? If you have, you are not the only one. Jesus said you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. The purpose of the power is […]
Many churches spend hours writing out policy manuals that nobody is reading. While I think it’s a good idea to get things in writing for reference, the truth is that most of your volunteers will not read the training manual, much less memorize your policies. One of the best ways to train and mentor volunteers is […]
I want to share with you how I mentor my Small Group Leaders. I meet with them once a month for 30 minutes during Large Group. I buy one copy of The Red Book for all my Small Group Leaders. I pick out a chapter in The Red Book. We go around in a circle, and […]
Recently an influential pastor of a mega-church said that he has changed his position on tithing. Since then I have noticed many blogs and posts debating the issue of tithing. No one seems to disagree that tithing is in the Bible. There are numerous scriptures in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Malachi about tithing. However, some people […]
The experts say that a child’s most formative years are their youngest — from birth to age five. About 90 percent of a child’s brain develops in that time, according to studies. And 85 percent of a child’s intellect, personality, and social skills are developed by age five. This begs the question, Is this also true […]
It’s hard to believe. Another school shooting. 19 Children and 2 Adults were killed at an Elementary School in Texas. My heart is broken for the parents who lost kids today. No parent should ever have to see his or her child/children die. My heart also aches for the kids who are still alive, that […]
Children in our churches are becoming increasingly unlearned as far as the Bible is concerned. I hear many KidMin Leaders complain about the problem — mainly because there is no starting point. I have taken that as a personal mission to do whatever I can to become part of the solution. Here are a few of my […]
One day I asked for a show of hands in children’s church. “How many of you read the Bible every day or your parents read the Bible to you?” Out of 200 kids in my class only 30 hands went up. This was not good news. When I am having an 85% failure rate I can’t blame […]
EPISODE 101 When I need a dose of inspiration I will walk around the Dollar Store and ideas will pop out at me. Here you go. Watch this three minute video for eight sermons from the dollar store and the best thing about it is they only cost one buck. DOLLAR STORE SERMONS WHAT IS […]