I’ll Never Forget…

I’ll never forget the time…   I was standing in the back waiting for a Saturday 5PM service to begin. We had recently promoted our new 1st graders into our grade school class. We all know when kids are promoted to a new class the world can feel like its crumbling! This particular group of […]

What Type Of Kids Pastor Are You?

There are different types of kids pastor. This is why it can be dangerous to go look at someone else’s program and copy it. If a church has a successful program then they built their program around the strengths of the leader and you may or may not have those same strengths. I’m not saying […]

Holy Spirit – 5 Sunday School Lessons For Your KidMin

  5 Sunday School Lessons On The Holy Spirit It’s important to talk to kids about the Holy Spirit. Our kids need to know the Holy Spirit is real, powerful, and that He comes to live inside when we ask Jesus Christ into our hearts. This week I’ll be sharing five of my favorite sermons […]

Children and The Holy Spirit

  I have been ministering to kids for over thirty years now and without a doubt my favorite memories are those services where the Holy Spirit touched kids in a powerful way. One of my powerful moments was the summer of 1996. I was the guest speaker at a Kids Camp in Fergus Falls, MN. […]

How To Get Money For The Kids Ministry

A lot of Kid’s Pastors are naïve when it comes to money – they think that ministry is all spiritual. Your pastor is thinking about money everyday. Yes, your pastor is the primary preacher in your church but in most instances he is also the primary fundraiser. If it’s not your pastor it’s your church board, but someone […]

Should We Talk To Kids About Hell?

  The other day I was talking to a missionary friend of mine and he mentioned to me that most of what he heard growing up in church was, “If you don’t accept Christ, you will go to Hell.” As I thought about it I realized that I did not hear a lot about Hell in my church.