How to Involve Parents in Children’s Ministry

We hear a lot of talk today about partnering with parents but how do you do this if you have little exposure in the pulpit? The best way to partner with parents is to get parents involved with the children’s ministry program. In other words, use the kidmin program to disciple the parents. I meet […]

Tapping Into The Leadership Gifts of Your Kids

  It’s easy for a parent or a teacher to recognize leadership gifts in their children. If I can spend several hours teaching and observing a group of children, I can pick out who the leaders are. One thing about people who have leadership gifts is that they will find a way to use their […]

I Don’t Know

  Many times I get parents who have questions from their kids they can’t answer. Kids love to ask hard questions about God, life, death, sickness, injustice, heaven, hell, the Bible etc. I think we get frustrated when we can’t articulate answers. I used to think I had all the answers or I was somehow […]

Does God Speak To Kids?

  Does God speak to kids? Emphatically, YES! God spoke to kids and teens in the Bible and He still speaks to kids today. I remember when I began in full time ministry, it was an exciting time because at every church we went to, most of the kids in children’s church would get saved […]

Do You Apologize Too Much In Recruiting?

  A recent article I read stated that women are four times more likely than a man to apologize all the way through a presentation. Those constant apologies foster distrust in listeners, causing them to be much less likely to approve whatever she is proposing. The more I thought about this article, the more I […]

Connecting Kids To God

Think about this – can you think of a person mentioned in the scriptures who had a God encounter, and then rebelled against God? Years ago, as a Children’s Pastor at a church, I heard a story about one of the kids I used to pastor. He was a good kid. He knew the memory […]