Teaching kids how to be THANKFUL

Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner and it brings traditions many of us share.  Things like, a huge turkey dinner, family time with relatives, shopping on Black Friday and last but not least football.  These are all great things, but these things are not what Thanksgiving is all about? Thanksgiving Day began as a […]

Are Your Kids Ready to Grow Up Strong in Christ?

In a world filled with complexities, Jesus’ command to “go into all the world and make disciples” may sound like a daunting task. But, when it comes to nurturing the faith of children, it’s all about embracing simplicity. To truly make disciples of the kids in our classes, we need to understand what it means […]

How Your Kids Can Have Super Strong Faith

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.” Joshua 1:8 (NLT) How does your faith keeps pace with what you say? Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. […]

Boundaries in Ministry

Without question, the biggest challenge in ministry is creating healthy boundaries. Church, spouse, children, job, and friends all seem to blend together. “A boundary defines where you end and someone else begins.” Ask yourself these questions: The most basic boundary word is the word “No”. The demands of ministry are never-ending. If you are going […]

How I Teach Kids To Have The Right Attitude At Christmas

Christmas is right around the corner.  I love this time of year.  It truly is the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year!” On the other hand, the real reason we celebrate Christmas can get lost in the hustle and bustle to get the best gifts and have the best decorated Christmas Tree. Our focus can […]

Leading effectively without a title

Certainly, leadership is not solely determined by one’s position or title. Leadership can be demonstrated at various levels and in different ways, regardless of whether you hold the “top dog” position. I would guess that 80% of the ministry that I have done has been without a title.  Yet at the same time I know […]

I got 14 new volunteers this weekend…

We hear a lot of talk today about partnering with parents but how do you do this if you have little exposure in the pulpit? The best way to partner with parents is to get parents involved with the children’s ministry program. In other words, use the KidMin Program to disciple the parents. I meet once a […]

Teach Your Kids To Resist FEAR

Fear comes from thinking about what the enemy is doing. Faith comes by hearing God’s Word. In other words, thinking about what God is doing. I see a lot of teaching for kids to not to be afraid. That’s good, but it still doesn’t give our kids something positive to focus on. The absolute best way […]

How To Talk To Kids About Homosexuality

The worldview about homosexuality is changing. Homosexuality used to be a subject we did not talk about with kids. People understood it is important to protect the innocence of children, but things have changed. Here are some questions that Christian parents are asking: Admittedly, this is an emotional topic. There are strong opinions on both […]