Everybody has something that makes them tick. For some people it is sports or video games. For other people it is making money. Many people are into collecting things such as baseball cards, comic books or antiques. What is it that makes God tick? What does God the Father live for? You. What makes […]
Networking means different things to different people. According to Webster’s Dictionary networking is “The developing of contacts with others in an informal network, as to further a career.” I asked my daughter, Missy, “What is networking?” Missy said, “It’s like making friends”. (I like both definitions.) Networking is the intersection between work and friendship. For […]
Networking is the intersection between work and friendship. For the purpose of this blog I am defining networking as “Building friendships with like-minded people where you can help each other fulfill your goals.” Here’s a personal story of how networking works when God is involved.
Why is it so hard to find a kids lesson on Water Baptism? I find that most churches do not to kids about water baptism. This is a big mistake. I was consulting with a church recently. The leadership was planning a Water Baptism service and they mentioned that they had never baptized kids in […]
The other day I bumped into an old friend at Starbucks. My friend was overseeing the KidMin program at a new church and he asked if I could meet with him. Then he made this statement, “We are burning through a lot of volunteers.” If you are burning through volunteers then it tells you that […]
I don’t know how you feel about teaching kids about the Holy Spirit, but for me it’s one of the foundational teachings of my children’s ministry. I teach it every year. Here’s why…
“When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?’ ‘Yes, Lord,’ he said, ‘you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs.’” John 21:15 NIV One of the first things that the Lord Jesus asked Peter to do was “feed […]
The other day I was doing some consulting at a local church. I was interviewing some of the key volunteer leaders and one of them asked me a question. “What matters Most?” I didn’t hesitate. “Begin with the end in Mind” See, most people that work with kids are just trying to get through […]
My dad was a Youth Pastor and I was involved with Youth Ministry throughout high school. I went to an internship focused on Youth Ministry followed by Bible College believing I would be in Youth Ministry. Unfortunately, the church wasn’t looking for a Youth Pastor. They were looking for a KidMin Pastor. My initial […]
Not all your volunteers will become leaders. In fact, most volunteers do not want to lead, they just want to follow. Followers are people who want to follow. They don’t want to make decisions. They want someone to tell them what to do and they will do it. Leaders are people who want to lead. […]