Teaching kids to say they are sorry is important but it’s only a start. When kids are small they should learn to say sorry. As kids get older we must teach our kids that sorry is good when it leads to repentance. We live in a world that only knows how to say sorry but […]
Leadership begins with following. The first test that Jesus gave His leaders was the test of following. If they had refused to follow Him, they never would have become leaders. God wants humble leaders who know how to obey Him and follow Him. God is also looking for leaders who have enough humility to be […]
You’re in a meeting with your lead or executive pastor and he decides to add a “few” things to your already monstrous to do list for the week and he also throws in that he wants a progress report about the Christmas program by the end of the day! You say to yourself, “here […]
If you are a kids’ pastor it is critical that you know how to lead up. When I’m talking about leading up I am talking about having influence with people that outrank you – your supervisor, church board, your pastor. If you’re going to lead up it is important that you understand how to talk […]
I was sitting at CPC one year listening to a group of children’s pastors trashing the youth ministry in their respective churches. I wanted to jump in, but I bit my tongue. I learned long ago to not give advice if I don’t believe people will listen. After years of competing with my youth ministry, one day it dawned […]
After Jesus went back to Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to help us. The Holy Spirit comes inside of us to lead us and to empower us. In the book of Acts, the disciples did not do any ministry until the Holy Spirit came upon them. We should follow this example. Sometimes we might […]
Ministering to preschool children can seem daunting at times. They are very wiggly and active. I am going to give you four tools you can use every week. If you learn how to use these tools during our class time you will have success ministering to your preschoolers.
Thermometer: is a device that measures temperature or temperature gradient using a variety of different principles. Several years ago, I had to fill in on my Wednesday night Kinder Church Class. Something came up at the last minute and the lead teacher couldn’t be there. So I grabbed the lesson (at about 3pm in the afternoon). When […]
Becoming an effective team member. Are you serving in KidMin? Maybe you have been at it awhile maybe you are just getting started. Either way – there are things that YOU can do that will ADD to the ministry at your church this weekend. As a team member, remember that you are not serving a […]