Looking For Christmas Curriculum?

Christmas Curriculum

Christmas is right around the corner, which means its time to find Christmas Curriculum! I just wanted to let you know at SuperChurch.Com we’ve created a 4-week Christmas Curriculum for preschoolers and elementary age kids called “Happy Birthday Jesus” teaching kids about the true meaning of Christmas and the presents they can give Jesus for […]

How 12 KidMin Leaders Are Successful In Ministry

Yesterday, I was just sitting in my office thinking to myself, what makes KidMin Leaders successful in ministry? So, I decided to ask the KidMin community that I’m a part of on Facebook a simple question… “What’s Your Best Advice That You’d Give To A New KidMin Leader or Pastor?” Honestly, I was blown away […]

Helping Children Receive The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Let me begin with a story, my story.  I grew up in the church.  I loved God and everything about God.  When I was in seventh grade, I went forward to receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.  It was at the end of the service.  I went forward, but […]

Are you limiting your kids?

I am always amazed when people put age limits on what kids can do at church. Churches may limit what kids do but the Holy Spirit does not. My question for you is this, are you limiting your kids? I know that you love the kids you teach every Sunday and you enjoy teaching them but […]