What Bible Should I Buy For Kids?

One of the questions I get asked often is “What Bible should I buy my kids?” It’s a great question because when I was a kid, there was the KJV and The Picture Bible that was pretty much it. Now there are more Bible versions and types of Bibles than there are flavors at Baskin […]

Choosing Friends for Life

“Two People are better than one, for they can help each other succeed.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9 Friendships determine the quality and direction of our lives. Healthy friendships help us succeed in life. Toxic friendships will bring great heartache. “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.” – Proverbs […]

This Took Me 35 Years To Create

I’m really excited to share with you what has taken me over 35 years to create! My new book, The Red Book: The Life Blood of Children’s Ministry is all of my knowledge of how to develop and cultivate an effective ministry to children. The great news is you can buy The Red Book starting TODAY! […]

Making Children’s Church Better

I’ve taught a lot over the years on the structure of a children’s church. I believe in it!  It’s a place where kids are gathered corporately and worship, learn and fellowship. Those of you who have a Large Group/Small Group format can still benefit from this information as well as those who have a major […]