The March Curriculum Sale Ends When The Timer Below Hits Zero! Create Your Year Of Super Church 2.0 & Check Out Today!
A few years ago I was listening to a tape by Bob Yandian. One day, Bob received a phone call from an elder of an independent church that he had attended as a child. The elder informed Bob that they were closing the doors of the church and he was looking for another church to […]
Is there such a thing as a stupid question? I say Yes, I think there is. I think stupid questions are questions that people who fill time but don’t get to the root of an issue. I think stupid questions are questions that are so generic they can’t help anyone including the person asking them. I […]
Here’s ten easy steps to preach to kids: 1. FOCUS – on one message per week. 2. THINK LIKE A KID – Send everything through the kid filter.
The Amazing Baby Food Race Inter-Active Object Lesson WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: It’s time to stop being a baby and grow up.
There is a lot of work involved in leading a kids’ ministry in a local church; but at the end of the day, it is all about the kids and connecting them with their Heavenly Father. I was a kids’ pastor for fifteen years before I really understood the heart of the Father for His […]
If you are going to feed the flock, you need to feed yourself. Never stand up in front of a group of kids and just read the curriculum. Be prepared. Preach out of your overflow.
If you talk to most KidMin pastors, they will tell you that recruiting volunteers is the most stressful part of their job. Part of the reason for the stress is that many kids’ pastors spend much of their time on things that don’t work. First of all, let’s talk about what doesn’t work. • Bulletin […]
What you do is very important to the Lord The preaching that you do on Sunday mornings and midweek services is possibly the only spiritual teaching and food your kids are getting each week. That is why what you do is precious to the Lord Kids need more of God’s Word and yet biblical illiteracy is […]
VBS on your mind? It’s on ours too, so we’ve created a 14 page VBS Planning Guide, so you can have your best VBS ever! We share with you the five steps that take your VBS to the next level. These are the same principles and steps we’ve used to have VBS with up to 1500 […]