Children need the

supernatural power of God.

The enemy has a plan for the last days: lies, confusion, depression, death and destruction. It’s clear; the enemy is after our kids; they face things that we never had to face – things like drugs, pedophiles, guns, and transgender indoctrination. If there ever was a generation that needs the power of God – it’s this generation.

God’s plan for the last days is a mighty outpouring of His Holy Spirit. The book of Acts reveals God’s plan for this generation: In the last days, God Says, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Kids today need more than a video Bible story and a fun game or two—they need God’s power.

The Raising Supernatural Kids Conference will open your eyes to what the Holy Spirit can do with kids. Mark Harper and Becky Fischer draw on their years of experience to give you practical steps to make God’s power available to Kids.

This conference is for — Pastors, kidmin leaders, parents, and grandparents. There are things the church can offer, that the parents cannot, and vice versa. We need each other. While pastoring and parenting are two different jobs, our goal is the same: to raise spiritually strong children who love God.

Breakout Topics

Teaching kids to hear the voice of God.
Revolutionary parenting.
What does a spiritually strong 5th Grader look like?
Developing the leadership gifts that are inside your kids.
What does intentional discipleship look like?
Children and the Holy Spirit.
The new wineskin of kids ministry.
How to preach with the anointing.
How to get kids filled with the Holy Spirit.
How to feed kids the Word of God.
Spirit-filled pre-school ministry.
How to get the 5th -grade boys to worship God.
Setting your vision, goals, and strategy.

A Word From Our Speakers

Three Things Will Happen At This Conference:


✔ IMPARTATION – On Friday evening, we will pray for everyone who attends this conference. We believe you will receive a powerful anointing to minister to your children.

✔ INSPIRATION – You will be changed by allowing the Holy Spirit to enlarge your vision.

✔ INFORMATION – You will receive practical instruction to empower you to raise supernatural kids.



Becky Fischer

Apostolic minister, author, and founder of Kids in Ministry International (KIMI). Becky has created curriculum and resources that are used around the world. She has been in children’s ministry over 30 years, training children to walk in the supernatural power of God and equip leaders and parents to equip children the same way.

Mark Harper

Pastor, and author, Mark Harper has over 40 years of experience in the local church. He is the creator of the Super Church Curriculum series, which is used in over 5,000 churches worldwide. The focus of Mark Harper Ministries is helping pastors build strong churches and helping parents build strong families.

Upcoming Events


Friday Lunch is included in the registration fee.
Registration fee is transferable, but not refundable.
Kid’s Ministry / Childcare is not available at this confrence. We recommend making arragenments before traveling to Lake Wales for this conference.

1 Guest……………………………..$79 ea.
Group of 4 or more…………$69 ea.