This conference will open your eyes to how the Holy Spirit moves in the lives of children. Mark and Debbie share from their years of experience, offering practical steps to help children encounter God’s presence in a meaningful way.

Bible illiteracy is at an all-time high in America—but it doesn’t have to stay that way. We can change this, starting with Kids’ Pastors and Kidmin Leaders who are committed to feeding children the meat of God’s Word. If it’s in the Bible, you can preach it to kids!

One of the biggest challenges for KidMin leaders is recruiting and training volunteers. Mark and Debbie have developed a proven system that delivers real results. Follow these steps, and you’ll be equipped to call, train, and empower a dedicated team of committed KidMin volunteers.


Most parenting seminars focus on behavior, but this one is different. Instead of just teaching kids to follow rules, we focus on helping them hear the voice of God and respond in obedience.

If we only teach our kids to follow, they won’t know how to lead when they step out on their own. Every child is called to lead in some capacity, and every parent has the responsibility to cultivate leadership in their children. In today’s culture, raising confident, godly leaders is more important than ever.

This conference is designed to equip Christian parents to guide their children through gender identity confusion. We help children understand who they are in Christ and affirm that they are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image.


This is a powerful opportunity for all generations to worship together and experience God’s presence as one. Mark and Deb have been called to minister to the whole family, and these gatherings deeply impact children, teens, parents, and grandparents alike. Many children receive salvation, healing, and are filled with the Holy Spirit during these services. Additionally, parents and grandparents get a front-row seat to witness the incredible ways the Holy Spirit moves in the lives of children and teens.


Mark and Debbie are a dynamic team with a deep passion for children’s ministry. They first met as adult volunteers in the Kids’ Ministry of a church plant in Port Huron, Michigan. After marrying in 1983, they dedicated their lives to serving as Kids’ Pastors in both megachurches and new church plants. Their experience includes organizing large-scale events with thousands of children while also understanding the day-to-day challenges of local church ministry.

Mark and Deb’s Super Church 2.0 Curriculum has been implemented in over 7,000 churches worldwide. Throughout the years, they have mentored and coached hundreds of children, pastors, and ministry leaders, equipping them to build strong, Spirit-led ministries.

You’re in the right place if you’re looking to grow and strengthen your children’s ministry. Explore our site, and let us know how we can support you on this journey!