Kids have influence. Many of our kids are great video game evangelists. When they play a game that they like, they tell a friend. They use their influence to get their friend to purchase the game. This month many of our churches are gearing up with special events for kids and families surrounded by a […]
Category Archives: Blog
Several years ago, I had to fill in on my Wednesday night Kinder Church Class. Something came up at the last minute and the lead teacher couldn’t be there. So I grabbed the lesson (at about 3pm in the afternoon). When I saw the lesson, I breathed a big sigh. The Helmet of Salvation, […]
“Once Jesus was in a certain place praying. As he finished, one of his disciples came to him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray….” Luke 11:1 NLT Why did the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray? They reached a place where they realized that they didn’t know how to pray and […]
Teaching children the importance of the cross. Scripture Reference: John 15:13 Materials Needed: Large wooden cross, wooden mallet, large nails Preparation: Place wooden cross in full view of children. Central Truth: Jesus is our example of love.
In over 30 years of Children’s Ministry, I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I don’t have any regrets, but I I certainly have learned a lot of lessons along the way. After reflecting on the last 30 years, I wanted to share some things I would do differently along the way. Maybe it will be helpful […]
by Jerry Moyer I believe that it is the goodness of God that brings man to repentance. When people understand the good news of the gospel and that the price has already been paid for them, they will want to receive this gift that has been offered to them. By coming forward, in an altar […]
One of absolutes of life is that life is always changing. “The Times They Are a-Changing” was written by Bob Dylan in 1963. I love the song, but Dylan was pretty quick to throw out the old. If we are unwilling to change we will cease to exist, however do we throw away everything that is […]
The Squirt Gun Fight WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: A Step Out of Love Is A Step Into The Danger Zone
Zombies are really big these days. To be honest, I don’t understand the sudden popularity of Zombies. Zombies are self –centered. They don’t respect the ideas of other people. They make bad decisions and they never think about their future. They mindlessly follow the mob without asking questions. I have never encountered a real Zombie, […]