Let’s be honest. VBS can be one of the most stressful weeks of the year for KidMin People. You get watch everybody’s kids for the whole week instead of just Sunday. Not only are you putting in an extra 50 hours, but you still have to cover the weekend services. It’s easy to start thinking […]
Category Archives: Blog
Kids have changed a lot in the past 20 years. If we want to reach children with the Gospel, then we must speak their language and yet many churches are refusing to change. They still use the same tools they used 20 years ago. A greater concern is churches that will change their message to […]
Pastor Willie George was one of my mentors. I asked Willie once “What is the craziest kids sermon you ever saw?” Willie didn’t hesitate. He told me this story from 1974 about a bus ministry pastor in Hammond, Indiana who was a former Green Beret. It’s a sermon based on the following scripture. “Dogs will […]
One of the most frequently asked questions to me is, “How do I get the boys to participate in worship?” It seems it’s an area that many churches struggle with. It can be for a variety of reasons which we’ll discuss. A few years ago I was leading worship at a church in St. Louis. […]
Scripture Reference: Hebrews 10:25, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.” (KJV) Take Home Point: Get involved in ministry at your church What You Need: 2 (balsam wood) model airplanes (find at a hobby shop) PREPARATION: Assemble one of the airplanes. Open up the second airplane but do not assemble it.
The answer is a resounding yes. The story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel chapter 17 is a great example of leadership. David was just a teenager and he managed to have influence over the king and change the direction of a nation. Here are ten leadership principals that we can learn from David. […]
Here is a list of my favorite illustrated sermons for kids. Sword of the Spirit – Hebrews 4:12 Purchase a real machete and some apples. Use the apples to represent temptation. Throw the apples in the air and slice them with the machete. Be careful to slice the apples away from the kids. Control Your Tongue – […]
I have a confession to make. I am a comic book geek. I have been collecting comics since I read my first Spiderman comic in 1968. One of my most valuable comics is Fantastic Four #1. With the publication of FF#1 Stan Lee and Jack Kirby kicked off what is known as the Silver Age at Marvel […]
Let’s be honest. It’s easy to get kids saved. Children are easily influenced. If you present the Gospel to children they will pray the prayer with you, however their Bible reading and church attendance is very dependent on their parent’s spiritual disciplines. As your kids grow older they will begin to think for themselves. They […]