By Lance McKinnon Mother’s day is right around the corner and so are all the gifts they rightfully deserve. I enjoy showering my mother with gifts and showing appreciation for all of the cuts, scrapes, tests, and problems she helped me through while growing up.One of my fondest memories of my mom is when I […]
Category Archives: Blog
Do you ever find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again? If I keep repeating the same mistakes is it possible to change or is it just the way I am? Absolutely, it is possible to change. I just have to choose a different road than the road I am currently on. What […]
It’s only four short days until International Star Wars Day. I’m not sure how I missed this, but May the Fourth is the official Star Wars holiday celebrated by hundreds of thousands of fans around the world. In case you missed it too, it goes something like this, “May the Fourth be with you.” In 2014, May the […]
Webster defines culture as the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time. Culture is a social system created by man. Culture can be good, bad or indifferent. Case in point is the culture we have created around Easter, which includes bunnies, bonnets and egg hunting. Many churches embrace the Egg Hunts and the […]
A child’s self-image is the biggest determining factor in their happiness and overall success in life. A parent’s responsibility is to build their child’s self worth and give them the confidence they need to succeed, but our churches are full of kids whose parents don’t do this. Jesus told us to “love our neighbor as yourself.” Most of […]
Are there broken kids in your class? Who is the unhappiest girl in your class? What about the worst behaved boy in your class? Do you know why they are unhappy or behave the way they do? Maybe they lost somebody they love or possibly their parents just split up. They may not even be able […]
Unhappiness is a habit that starts early in life and continues into adulthood. “A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 (AMP) If we can teach our kids to recognize these seven unhappy habits and give them to tools they need to change it […]
Question #1: Who is your mentor? I met my mentor, Willie George, in 1978 when I was attending Bible College. God used Pastor Willie to pioneer the ministry of the “children’s pastor.” I’m sure Willie George wasn’t the first guy to think of the concept, however there is no doubt that God used him to bring […]
To inspire creative people a leader must create a synergistic environment. Synergy means, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” One of the greatest examples of a synergistic leader is Stan Lee, who is credited with creating the Marvel Universe including Spiderman, X-men, Avengers, Fantastic Four and many more. The real genius […]