Category Archives: Blog

Are Parents Really The Primary Spiritual Leader Of Their Kids?

There is a big emphasis in churches today on family ministry. In the context of family ministry, we hear a lot of talk about parents being the primary spiritual leaders of their kids. Many churches take this concept so far that they will not pray with kids to receive Christ, as they say, this is […]

Can Kids Be Filled With The Holy Spirit?

‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.”  Acts 2:17 God promises to pour out the Holy Spirit on all people. The scriptures don’t say all people over 12. The Bible […]

Curriculum That Will Transform

  In today’s world of curriuclum, There is as many curriculums as there are flavors at Baskin Robbins. They are eye-catching and boast a long list of features, but… Where is the part where they speak of the lives being transformed by the lessons? Super Church 2.0 was developed with the end user in mind. YOU  […]

Are You In A Rut?

What do you think is the number one area where Kid’s Church gets in a rut? Some people might think it is offering, games, the message or the service structure. These are all potential areas for children’s ministries to fall into a rut, but the most prevalent is… Worship You heard me right, worship!

How To Enhance Childrens’ Ministry Guest Experience

One of my favorite things to do is jump on Facebook and see what’s happening in a group called “Children’s Pastors and Children’s Ministries Leaders”. There is always good discussions happening and sometimes I find a question I think is great to answer in a short blog. One question I saw this week was, “I am looking for something for […]

The Call

There is call to preach to kids. If you are going to be an effective Kids Pastor it’s critical that you see Kids Ministry like the Lord sees it. Many do not see kids ministry as real ministry. This is false of course, but people’s attitudes can still wear you down. As the leader it’s […]

4 Sunday School Lessons On Prayer

  Today, I am going to share with you 4 of my favorite Sunday School Lessons on Prayer. Prayer is a big part of our relationship with God and we need to teach kids to pray. Every year I set aside 2 months to teach the kids in my ministry about prayer.

I’ll Never Forget…

I’ll never forget the time…   I was standing in the back waiting for a Saturday 5PM service to begin. We had recently promoted our new 1st graders into our grade school class. We all know when kids are promoted to a new class the world can feel like its crumbling! This particular group of […]

What Type Of Kids Pastor Are You?

There are different types of kids pastor. This is why it can be dangerous to go look at someone else’s program and copy it. If a church has a successful program then they built their program around the strengths of the leader and you may or may not have those same strengths. I’m not saying […]