Category Archives: Blog

We’ve All Been There…

Face it… We have all been where this kid is in the picture above, so scared we look like a cardboard cutout at Target. As a children’s pastor I wanted to make sure my kids knew they didn’t have to be afraid or full of fear. That’s why I wrote the series “Fear”. I wanted […]

Building Your Team

“Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” What was Jesus doing when He said these infamous words? He was building His team. “I have chosen you. You have not chosen me.” This tells me that Jesus was selective about who was on His team. What was Jesus looking for when He was […]

Let The Children Lead

“A little child shall lead them.” Isaiah 11:6 One day, I was praying over the kids in my class and a saw a vision. When I say I saw a vision, what I mean is that in my heart I saw a picture of myself. I was standing in the balcony above Kids Church.  I […]

Revival At Kids Camp

One of the most powerful services I ever was part of was at Kid’s Camp in 1986. I was Kid’s Pastor at a church in Oklahoma, and I had invited my friend, Bill Bush, to be the guest speaker. The first service did not go very well. I didn’t think much of it. On the […]

Are Parents Really The Primary Spiritual Leader Of Their Kids?

There is a big emphasis in churches today on family ministry. In the context of family ministry, we hear a lot of talk about parents being the primary spiritual leaders of their kids. Many churches take this concept so far that they will not pray with kids to receive Christ, as they say, this is […]

Can Kids Be Filled With The Holy Spirit?

‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.”  Acts 2:17 God promises to pour out the Holy Spirit on all people. The scriptures don’t say all people over 12. The Bible […]

Curriculum That Will Transform

  In today’s world of curriuclum, There is as many curriculums as there are flavors at Baskin Robbins. They are eye-catching and boast a long list of features, but… Where is the part where they speak of the lives being transformed by the lessons? Super Church 2.0 was developed with the end user in mind. YOU  […]