Each team has a leader and team members. What are you? “The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say ‘I.’ And that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say ‘I.’ They don’t think ‘I.’ They think ‘we’; they think ‘team.’ They understand their job to make the team […]
Category Archives: Blog
Does God speak to kids? Emphatically, YES! God spoke to kids and teens in the Bible and He still speaks to kids today. I remember when I began in full time ministry, it was an exciting time because at every church we went to, most of the kids in children’s church would get saved […]
A recent article I read stated that women are four times more likely than a man to apologize all the way through a presentation. Those constant apologies foster distrust in listeners, causing them to be much less likely to approve whatever she is proposing. The more I thought about this article, the more I […]
Think about this – can you think of a person mentioned in the scriptures who had a God encounter, and then rebelled against God? Years ago, as a Children’s Pastor at a church, I heard a story about one of the kids I used to pastor. He was a good kid. He knew the memory […]
Everyone reading this post feels stressed out. We live in a fast pace culture. We wear stress as a badge of courage. If we are not busy or stressed we are not significant or important. I am no exception. I remember a good friend of mine once told me that your ability to handle stress […]
If you could push a button and wipe away VBS forever would you do it? I never really understood the name “Vacation Bible School.” The words “school” and “vacation” should NEVER be in the same sentence. When I hear someone say Vacation Bible School, it reminds me of summer school. Admittedly I have never been […]
The Salvation Experience is one of the most important things we can pass unto our children. Passing our faith from one generation to the next is vital. Salvation is at the epicenter. I believe parents are the spiritual leaders in the lives of their children, but does that mean we don’t provide opportunities in […]
I’ve created a 14 page VBS Manual, so you can have your best VBS ever! I share with you the five steps that take your VBS to the next level. I’ve used these same principles and steps to have awesome VBS with up to 1500 kids in attendance. The best part about this manual […]
The first step to letting them make their own choices is to allow them to make their own choices some of the time. As your kids get older, its ok to let them say no to you. This does two things: It lets them feel independent and it shows your children that you trust them. […]
If I could do my parenting all over again, I would spend less time on teaching my kids to obey me and spend more time teaching them to make wise choices. Please don’t misunderstand me. It is good for children to obey their parents, but it is better for children to hear directly from […]