Preschool Curriculum – Buy 2 – Get 1 FREE! Preschoolers are eager to learn about God and are quick to receive the things of the Spirit. Give your kids a rock-solid foundation as you impart these basic, yet powerful truths of our Christian faith. Learn how to, “Plant seeds that last a lifetime!” Have you asked […]
Category Archives: Leadership
Ministering to preschool children can seem daunting at times. They are very wiggly and active. I am going to give you four tools you can use every week. If you learn how to use these tools during our class time you will have success ministering to your preschoolers. PLAYTIME An important part of your preschool […]
The church growth people tell us that kids are one of the top three reasons why people choose a church. 1. Pastor 2. Worship 3. Kid’s ministry I discovered this early on. I was helping my youth pastor plant a church in Michigan. I had all the kids in one room because we were just starting out. I was teaching on […]
Easter is one of the greatest times of the year to reach families. I love to see how creative we are all becoming in reaching our communities. I know at our church we are doing a “Glow In The Dark” Easter Egg Hunt. It will be lots of fun, but that’s not the main event. […]
I have made lots of mistakes in ministry, but here are Ten Leadership Principles I have always tried to follow. 1. Set a quality example. Be what you want people to do. Do what you want them to do. Being an example is one way to lead others. 2. Set attainable goals. Do this every year for […]
One day a parent asked me the following question: “What is the most important thing I can do to make sure my kids stay in church when they become an adult?” I did not hesitate. “Teach them to be a leader.” Of course, I can’t guarantee that your child will stay in church when they become an adult, but I can […]
It’s easy for a parent or a teacher to recognize leadership gifts in their children. If I can spend several hours teaching and observing a group of children, I can pick out who the leaders are. One thing about people who have leadership gifts is that they will find a way to use their gifts. […]
Recently, I was consulting at a local church. I was interviewing some of the key volunteer leaders and one of them asked me a question, “What matters most?” I didn’t hesitate, “Begin with the end in mind.” Then I asked this question, “What does a spiritually strong 5th grader look like?’ They began to say things like, “They are unselfish, kind, […]
The following is a quote from Dr. Henry Cloud about entitlement. “Pointing to one character trait that causes more misery in people’s lives than any other would be difficult. Certainly one of the top three or four destructive traits would be having a feeling of entitlement. Entitlement is when someone feels as if people owe […]
Sometimes bad things will happen that we have no control over. One day when I was in Bible school, I received a phone call that my parents were getting a divorce. I cried a lot as I prayed. I asked God to help my parents and to bring them back together. The Lord asked me, […]