How To Parent a PK Last week, I wrote a blog about How to Pastor a PK. Today, I am writing about how to parent YOUR child who is a PK (pastor’s kid). I will start out by saying, I am no expert on this, I have only been a parent for 3 short years. […]
Category Archives: Leadership
I grew up as a PK (Pastor’s Kid), there were good things and bad things about that. I attended the Christian School at my church. One week at Chapel, the speaker was listing off the different types of people in youth groups. “You got the Jocks, the nerds, etc.” He ended the list with PK’s, […]
Inter-active OBJECT lesson WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: Being a leader is making smart decisions, being proactive, and doing things without being told. This object lesson is going to teach the kids in your class to not just sit there, but to start doing things! WHAT YOU NEED: A swivel office chair. INSTRUCTIONS: Pick one contestant to […]
As you minister to the kids, you will grow as a leader. You are going to need a lot of volunteers to reach a lot of kids, so it’s critical that you understand leadership and that you grow in your leadership skills. Here is my list of the top-five leadership skills you need for kids’ […]
It’s one thing to lead followers and another thing to lead leaders. How do I get people to follow me who would rather be the leader, and why should I try to get people to follow me who don’t really want to follow? Followers are great at getting things done, but you will reach more […]
People are busier than ever. I used to train my volunteers at monthly meetings on Sunday night, but it’s hard to get people to show up for extra meetings. I had to figure out how to train my volunteers in small doses. Now, I do all of my training in three bite-size nuggets. 1. The […]
There are young leaders in your class. They may be the kids who are trying to take over. Sometimes what we call rebellion is really young leaders trying to use their leadership gifts. One thing about leaders is that they want to lead. If they can’t find a positive way to use their leadership, they […]
If you talk to most KidMin pastors, they will tell you that recruiting volunteers is the most stressful part of their job. Part of the reason for the stress is that many kids’ pastors spend much of their time on things that don’t work. First of all, let’s talk about what doesn’t work. • Bulletin […]
Business 101 asks three questions: 1. Who are my customers? 2. What do they want? 3. How can I get it to them? Volunteers are the lifeblood of any KidMin program. I can survive without money, but I cannot survive without volunteers. We need ask the question, “What do […]
I still remember the day I changed my strategy for recruiting and training volunteers. It was a cold winter morning in 1987 and I had just accepted a new position as a kidmin pastor at a church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I was frustrated because yet another volunteer had informed me they were stepping down. […]