We hear a lot of talk today about family ministry, but what exactly is family ministry? My thoughts about family ministry have changed over thirty-five years of ministry. I have a different view of things than when I started. This is my definition of family ministry: family ministry is comprised of the church and the […]
Category Archives: Leadership
Christmas is such a busy time. There are parties, gifts to give, family time, plus all of the regular things that you have to do. Like, no one is going to come in and do all of my laundry just because it’s Christmas. Although, if you’re reading this Santa, “Do you wanna lend me just […]
I have always thought it was so interesting that Thanksgiving comes before Christmas. A day where we spend being thankful precedes a day where we give and get gifts. I am not going to get into all of that. But I do think it is interesting to note. Like a lot of things in life, […]
We have been going through The Red Book, chapter by chapter.
Let’s talk about loyalty for a minute. Loyalty is the glue that holds your team together. If you want loyalty from your leaders, be loyal to them. I remember the first time I complained about another staff member to my pastor. He looked at me and asked, “Have you talked to them?” “No.” “Then why […]
Classroom Management. Yikes, we all need it and maybe struggle with it, but no one talks about it. But in reality, each one of your church classrooms have different needs and it is not the same from one age group to the next. When your class does not have the structure needed for the age […]
One parenting craze that, as a mom with toddlers, I am noticing is healthy, organic, food. Take a stroll down any grocery store or baby food aisle. “Organic”, “All Natural”, “Gluten Free”, are just some of the words that jump out at you. As a parent of a three-year-old, I try steer my own daughter […]
A couple of weeks ago, I went on a KidMin Facebook group and asked this question, “If you could give some advice to a person who is new in ministry, what would it be?” I was blown away by the answers. So I am going to share some of them here today. Some were duplicates, […]
The worship of children is precious to the Lord. He really likes it when children worship Him. In fact, the Bible calls it perfect praise (see Matt. 21:16 nkjv). If the worship part of the service is for the Lord, what do you think He wants? Does He want it to be exciting? Does He […]
One of my heroes passed away yesterday. I thought I would share my story with you about how Billy Graham impacted me is such a way that my life, as I knew it, was over. I did not grow up in a Christian home. The truth is that my life was a mess. My Mom […]