Category Archives: Leadership

Don’t Do This During Covid-19 Crisis

By: Sam Luce This is my twenty-second year of doing kids and youth ministry and it is like none other I have experienced so far. It seems that we are all, no matter how long you have been doing ministry, trying to find our footing. It seems each day brings new realities to adjust to. […]

Are You On A Spending Freeze?

We sold very little curriculum this past month and I understand why. My church is on a spending freeze, and I’m guessing your church is too.  Instead of withdrawing, I want to be part of the solution.  Here’s what I’m thinking.  I see a lot of teaching on fear, telling kids not to be afraid. […]

Help Kids Overcome Their Fears

Fear is a powerful force that we all have to deal with. Right now, we are all facing a different “normal” with social distancing, lock downs and quarantine. Many families are facing the reality of loss of jobs and figuring out what “distance learning” is.  All of this, while our children watch. As a parent, […]

I am giving away FREE curriculum!

We are walking in uncharted territory.  Because of this unprecedented time, I wanted to offer ministry materials and resources to you – FREE!  I am Giving Away FREE curriculum, KIDS NEED THE GOSPEL, and 4 BONUS Short Films! ($69.00 value)  KIDS NEED THE GOSPEL is a 4-week elementary series for children’s ministry (1st-6th grade). Not only will you receive KIDS […]


Can I use Super Church content in my kids live stream service? Hello, I understand that all of us are walking in uncharted territory.  We are having to quickly change to stay connected to families in a way that many of us have never done before.   At Super Church we want to help you […]

Social Distancing & The Church – WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?

This past Sunday, ironically, at my church, we were scheduled to teach from The Core, Lesson 11.  The title for Lesson 11 is “Go To Church.”  The Memory Verse is, “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.” How do I teach “Go To Church” when the church doors are closed? How do I help families […]

I’m Overwhelmed – What Do I Do?

Let’s face it, life can feel overwhelming, especially right now.  Most of us may even feel overcome, this is normal, but we can’t stay there.  Here is what I do when I am feeling things are out of my control.  I remember that my faith comes by hearing the Word of God.  When I hear […]