Category Archives: KidMin

I got 14 new volunteers this weekend…

We hear a lot of talk today about partnering with parents but how do you do this if you have little exposure in the pulpit? The best way to partner with parents is to get parents involved with the children’s ministry program. In other words, use the KidMin Program to disciple the parents. I meet once a […]

Teach Your Kids To Resist FEAR

Fear comes from thinking about what the enemy is doing. Faith comes by hearing God’s Word. In other words, thinking about what God is doing. I see a lot of teaching for kids to not to be afraid. That’s good, but it still doesn’t give our kids something positive to focus on. The absolute best way […]

How To Talk To Kids About Homosexuality

The worldview about homosexuality is changing. Homosexuality used to be a subject we did not talk about with kids. People understood it is important to protect the innocence of children, but things have changed. Here are some questions that Christian parents are asking: Admittedly, this is an emotional topic. There are strong opinions on both […]

3 Steps For Pastoring Volunteers

In the realm of ministry, the role of a leader goes beyond mere management—it’s a calling to shepherd the hearts of those who serve. The apostle Peter’s words in 1 Peter 5:2-3 offer timeless wisdom that transcends generations, providing a framework for pastoring volunteers. Let’s explore these three essential steps for effective volunteer leadership, guided […]

My secret to teaching kids…

I find that most people that teach in children’s ministry will sell kids short.  What I mean is, they think kids are limited in their understanding of spiritual things. Some people have accused me of “going over kid’s heads” when I preach to kids. I don’t have any problem with criticism, as it comes with […]

We cannot stay silent!

What do you think? What will be the percentage of Generation Alpha that identifies as LGBTQ+? Nobody knows what that number will be, but I know for sure that if the church continues to stay silent, that number will only increase. It’s no secret that the culture is targeting our children. Our kids are surrounded […]

Igniting the flame of evangelism in kids.

When it comes to evangelism, it is not enough to simply teach children about it; we must encourage and empower them to actively practice evangelism themselves. Interestingly, many children have already mastered the art of evangelism within the realm of video games. When they discover a game they enjoy, they enthusiastically share their excitement with […]

FEED YOURSELF: Nourish Your Teaching Ministry

If you are responsible for nourishing a flock, it is essential to feed yourself first. Standing in front of a group of children and simply reading from the curriculum is not enough. To effectively teach and preach, preparation is key. Preaching should come from the overflow of your own spiritual journey. For instance, if you […]

Does God speak to preschoolers?

Creating environments where God can speak to kids is indeed a crucial goal for teachers involved in preschool ministry. Here are four important steps that can help facilitate this goal: 1.  SEE BEYOND THEIR CURRENT AGERecognize that every child has unique potential and value in God’s eyes. Like Hannah, who saw something special in Samuel, […]