Category Archives: KidMin

Social Distancing & The Church – WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?

This past Sunday, ironically, at my church, we were scheduled to teach from The Core, Lesson 11.  The title for Lesson 11 is “Go To Church.”  The Memory Verse is, “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.” How do I teach “Go To Church” when the church doors are closed? How do I help families […]

I’m Overwhelmed – What Do I Do?

Let’s face it, life can feel overwhelming, especially right now.  Most of us may even feel overcome, this is normal, but we can’t stay there.  Here is what I do when I am feeling things are out of my control.  I remember that my faith comes by hearing the Word of God.  When I hear […]

We can help

Easter is in six weeks. We all know that Easter is like the Super Bowl for Churches. It is, besides Christmas, one of the more heavily attended days.  Let us help you prepare for Easter.  Kids Need The Gospel  is a 4-week elementary Easter series for children’s ministry (1st-6th grade). This series is the perfect build up […]

What Is Kinder Church 2.0?

Kinder Church 2.0 is designed from the ground up to effectively teach your preschoolers the Word of God. You get the same depth of teaching, great object lessons and humorous drama skits that are synonymous with the Super Church brand. And Kinder Church 2.0 comes with engaging multimedia videos that will grab the attention of […]


There are four basic steps for an effective Kids Ministry Service. STEP ONE Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” The first step for an effective children’s church service is to have a goal.  You have to get past, “What am I going to teach next week?”  Develop a teaching plan […]

I Have Some Great News For You.

In 1988, we published Super Church Classic. We marketed Super Church as a curriculum for spirit filled, charismatic churches who are tired of teaching from luke-warm curriculum.  We were not prepared for the response. It was hard for us to keep up with all the orders in those early days. We found out that there were thousands of […]

Why I Wrote Super Church Curriculum

“Write the vision, and make a plan upon tables that he may run that readeth it…” Habakkuk 2:2 When I first began to teach children, I had a difficult time finding material and curriculums. The materials that were available at that time were outdated and did not cover Pentecostal or Charismatic principles. Most curriculum companies […]

Are You Teaching Your Kids About The Holy Spirit?

It’s important to talk to kids about the Holy Spirit. Our kids need to know the Holy Spirit is real, powerful, and that He comes to live inside when we ask Jesus Christ into our hearts. This week I’ll be sharing five of my favorite sermons teaching about the Holy Spirit.  I guarantee these will […]