Fear comes from thinking about what the enemy is doing. Faith comes by hearing God’s Word. In other words, thinking about what God is doing. I see a lot of teaching for kids to not to be afraid. That’s good, but it still doesn’t give our kids something positive to focus on. The absolute best way […]
Category Archives: KidMin
I love spending time with my grandchildren Andi (6), James (8) and Luci (4). Not only is it great fun, but every experience is a learning experience. This picture is from this summer. – Lutsen, Minnesota Are a child’s most formative years — from birth to age five? Studies show that 90 percent of a […]
Big Summer Sale is going on right now!
There are different types of Kids’ Pastors. This is why it can be unwise to go look at someone else’s program and copy it. If a church has a successful program, then they built their program around the strengths of the leader; but you may or may not have those same strengths. I’m not saying […]
5 Leadership Principles – as we Re-Open our KidMin The beginning of this year has been quite the beginning and I have seen the KidMin Community not running from the challenge, but rising to the occasion. Anyone in a KidMin leadership role has had to adjust, adapt, and learn new skills – sometimes daily. Some […]
I have heard people say that teenagers shouldn’t be allowed in Kids Ministry. This breaks my heart. Let me tell you why. My parents have been in ministry my entire life. My parents also involved me in the ministry my whole life. I was 7 years old, the first time I was in a puppet skit. […]
I have heard people say that teenagers shouldn’t be allowed in Kids Ministry. This breaks my heart. Let me tell you why. My parents have been in ministry my entire life. My parents also involved me in the ministry my whole life. I was 7 years old, the first time I was in a puppet skit. […]
I didn’t know why I didn’t receive the Holy Spirit. When I was in seventh grade, I went forward to receive the Holy Spirit. I was so excited. From the earliest memories I have, I have always loved God and loved going to church. When I realized that I wanted to speak in tongues, I […]
When a child receives Christ the Holy Spirit comes to live inside them. Kids don’t get a junior Holy Spirit. They get the same Holy Spirit that you and I get. Why does the Holy Spirit come to live in us? The primary reason is to lead us and guide us. If I could do […]
I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit lives in me. He leads me and guides me every day. I don’t see Him or feel Him, but I know He is there. This is such a reassuring feeling, that I have sometimes taken for granted. Over these past few months there have been many days […]