When a children receive Christ, they Holy Spirit comes to live inside of them. Kids don’t get a junior Holy Spirit. They get the same Holy Spirit that you and I get. Why does the Holy Spirit come to live in us? To lead and to empower us for ministry. If I could do my […]
Category Archives: Holy Spirit
Let me begin with a story, my story. I grew up in the church. I loved God and everything about God. When I was in seventh grade, I went forward to receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. It was at the end of the service. I went forward, but […]
I am always amazed when people put age limits on what kids can do at church. Churches may limit what kids do but the Holy Spirit does not. My question for you is this, are you limiting your kids? I know that you love the kids you teach every Sunday and you enjoy teaching them but […]
I don’t know how you feel about teaching kids about the Holy Spirit, but for me it’s one of the foundational teachings of my children’s ministry. I teach it every year. Here’s why…
I was the opening speaker for the National Children’s Pastor Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. At the end of my message, I felt impressed to ask Jessica, a 12 year old girl, to pray for everybody in attendance. What happened next was a powerful outpouring of God’s love. This video will bless you, I promise! […]
The Importance of Teaching Kids to Pray You and I have the tremendous opportunity of speaking into the lives of our kids and helping them cultivate their relationship with God. We get a few hours a week to share God’s Word and its everlasting truth. So, how do we expand the amount of time […]
Should we Teach Kids About Speaking In Tongues? That depends. If your church does not believe in speaking in tongues then you should not teach the kids in your class about it even if you do speak in tongues. I think most of us understand why this would create problems. What I do not understand […]
Today, I am going to share with you 4 of my favorite Sunday School Lessons on Prayer. Prayer is a big part of our relationship with God and we need to teach kids to pray. Every year I set aside 2 months to teach the kids in my ministry about prayer.
5 Sunday School Lessons On The Holy Spirit It’s important to talk to kids about the Holy Spirit. Our kids need to know the Holy Spirit is real, powerful, and that He comes to live inside when we ask Jesus Christ into our hearts. This week I’ll be sharing five of my favorite sermons […]
The answer is a resounding yes. The story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel chapter 17 is a great example of leadership. David was just a teenager and he managed to have influence over the king and change the direction of a nation. Here are ten leadership principals that we can learn from David. […]