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Category Archives: Holy Spirit
I didn’t know why I didn’t receive the Holy Spirit. When I was in seventh grade, I went forward to receive the Holy Spirit. I was so excited. From the earliest memories I have, I have always loved God and loved going to church. When I realized that I wanted to speak in tongues, I […]
When a child receives Christ the Holy Spirit comes to live inside them. Kids don’t get a junior Holy Spirit. They get the same Holy Spirit that you and I get. Why does the Holy Spirit come to live in us? The primary reason is to lead us and guide us. If I could do […]
I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit lives in me. He leads me and guides me every day. I don’t see Him or feel Him, but I know He is there. This is such a reassuring feeling, that I have sometimes taken for granted. Over these past few months there have been many days […]
I know that you love your kids and you enjoy teaching them, but are you willing to let your kids teach you? I have been ministering to kids for over thirty years now and without a doubt my favorite memories are those services where the Holy Spirit touched kids in a powerful way. One of […]
What is our conscience and should we trust it? OXFORD DICTIONARY – Conscience: an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one’s behavior. “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God,” Romans 8:14 (NIV) “So I strive always to […]
Let’s face it, life can feel overwhelming, especially right now. Most of us may even feel overcome, this is normal, but we can’t stay there. Here is what I do when I am feeling things are out of my control. I remember that my faith comes by hearing the Word of God. When I hear […]
“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” The mission of Christ is straight forward, to seek and save the lost, but I find that kids that grow up in church have little understanding of the mission of Christ. The reason for this is two-fold. Kids that grow up […]
In 1988, we published Super Church Classic. We marketed Super Church as a curriculum for spirit filled, charismatic churches who are tired of teaching from luke-warm curriculum. We were not prepared for the response. It was hard for us to keep up with all the orders in those early days. We found out that there were thousands of […]
“Write the vision, and make a plan upon tables that he may run that readeth it…” Habakkuk 2:2 When I first began to teach children, I had a difficult time finding material and curriculums. The materials that were available at that time were outdated and did not cover Pentecostal or Charismatic principles. Most curriculum companies […]