Category Archives: Administrative

What Type of Kids’ Pastor Are You?

There are different types of Kids’ Pastors.  This is why it can be unwise to go look at someone else’s program and copy it.  If a church has a successful program, then they built their program around the strengths of the leader; but you may or may not have those same strengths. I’m not saying […]

Do you feel like you are starting all over again?

5 Leadership Principles – as we Re-Open our KidMin The beginning of this year has been quite the beginning and I have seen the KidMin Community not running from the challenge, but rising to the occasion.  Anyone in a KidMin leadership role has had to adjust, adapt, and learn new skills – sometimes daily. Some […]

7 Reasons to have Teenagers in your Ministry

I have heard people say that teenagers shouldn’t be allowed in Kids Ministry. This breaks my heart. Let me tell you why. My parents have been in ministry my entire life. My parents also involved me in the ministry my whole life. I was 7 years old, the first time I was in a puppet skit. […]


Can I use Super Church content in my kids live stream service? Hello, I understand that all of us are walking in uncharted territory.  We are having to quickly change to stay connected to families in a way that many of us have never done before.   At Super Church we want to help you […]


There are four basic steps for an effective Kids Ministry Service. STEP ONE Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” The first step for an effective children’s church service is to have a goal.  You have to get past, “What am I going to teach next week?”  Develop a teaching plan […]

Is Amazon Bringing Back The Holiday Catalog?

Last week, I received in the mail, at my home, a catalog from Amazon.  It included stickers and a special page for kids to write down what they wanted for Christmas.  Yes, Amazon has brought back the “Holiday Catalog.” If there is one thing we can all agree on, it is that receiving gifts is […]

Teaching Kids to Have the Right Attitude At Christmas

Christmas is right around the corner.  I love this time of year.  It truly is the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year!” On the other hand, the real reason we celebrate Christmas can get lost in the hustle and bustle to get the best gifts and have the best decorated Christmas Tree. Our focus can […]

How I Turned My Ministry into a Family Ministry.

We hear a lot of talk today about family ministry, but what exactly is family ministry? My thoughts about family ministry have changed over thirty-five years of ministry. I have a different view of things than when I started. This is my definition of family ministry: family ministry is comprised of the church and the […]

5 Things to Remember During a KidMin Christmas

Christmas is such a busy time. There are parties, gifts to give, family time, plus all of the regular things that you have to do. Like, no one is going to come in and do all of my laundry just because it’s Christmas. Although, if you’re reading this Santa, “Do you wanna lend me just […]

12 Ways You Can Teach Thankfulness to Your KidMin

I have always thought it was so interesting that Thanksgiving comes before Christmas. A day where we spend being thankful precedes a day where we give and get gifts. I am not going to get into all of that. But I do think it is interesting to note. Like a lot of things in life, […]