Halloween can be a very divisive holiday for Christians. There are people who think they should not celebrate in any way, and stay home with the lights off. And you have people on the other end of the spectrum who go Trick or Treating. Growing up in the church, and my parents being Children’s Pastors, […]
Category Archives: Administrative
Do you remember your first couple of weeks as the KidMin leader? Expecting everyone and their dog to come volunteer at this incredible ministry God had laid on your heart, only to discover most adults wanted to stay in “adult” church. Hmm. Well, when the adults are away, the kids will play. Let me tell […]
Last week I talked about why we should use Social Media for your church. This week I am going to talk a little bit about How to use Social Media. Different Social Medias to use: Facebook I suggest to start with Facebook. It is the easiest to use, and one of the most-used social media. […]
As many of you know, Hurricane Harvey hit fast and strong. As I was sitting on my couch yesterday, scrolling through Facebook. I saw image after image of helpers. I love this quote from Mr. Rogers, that during any tragedy, that his mom told him to “Look for the helpers.” I am not currently able […]
PART 1 – Why use Social Media Whether you like it or not, social media is part of our culture. You can do two things: Ignore it. Or use it for your churches advantage. When used correctly it can build community. So how do you do that? I will share how to do that in […]
Let me begin with a story, my story. I grew up in the church. I loved God and everything about God. When I was in seventh grade, I went forward to receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. It was at the end of the service. I went forward, but […]
We hear a lot of talk today about partnering with parents but how do you do this if you have little exposure in the pulpit? The best way to partner with parents is to get parents involved with the children’s ministry program. In other words, use the kidmin program to disciple the parents. I meet […]
Most Kid Ministry Pastors say that their biggest need is for more volunteers, but this may not be the case. It’s possible that your biggest need is for your current volunteers to step up and become leaders. The truth is that if you get more leaders then the volunteers will follow. What is the absolute […]
The answer is a resounding yes. The story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel chapter 17 is a great example of leadership. David was just a teenager and he managed to have influence over the king and change the direction of a nation. Here are ten leadership principals that we can learn from David. […]