In over 30 years of Children’s Ministry, I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I don’t have any regrets, but I certainly have learned a lot of lessons along the way. After reflecting on the last 30 years, I wanted to share some things I would do differently along the way. Maybe it will be helpful to […]
Save $97 when you purchase by the year. At Super Church we have eight – 13 week quarters that sell for $149 each. When you purchase a year of curriculum by the quarter, it would cost $596. When you purchase Super Church by the year it costs $499 – You Save $97! You can mix and […]
I’d like to share with you the most successful parent email I ever sent. I have found email to be an effective way to recruit parents to serve in Kids Ministry, but it has to be short, direct and give a strong ask. Like most churches, COVID decimated our volunteer force. When we re-started our […]
When I first started out teaching kids, I thought, “Where do I want my kids to be at the end of the year?” I picked out the topics I wanted to cover and then broke it down and developed the series I would teach. That is how Super Church Classic was created. I’ve got some good news. […]
It is important to establish why we believe that Jesus is the Son of God. The belief that Jesus is the Son of God is what makes Christianity stand out from other religions. Some religions believe that Jesus was a good man, but they do not believe in His Deity. There are three reasons why […]
Not all your volunteers will become leaders. In fact, most volunteers do not want to lead, they just want to follow. Followers are people who want to follow. They don’t want to make decisions. They want someone to tell them what to do and they will do it. Leaders are people who want to lead. […]
“Leadership is not about titles or positions. It is about one life influencing another. A Leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” -John Maxwell To be a good leader you must be committed. Leaders must continually evaluate their commitment to the people they lead and to their purpose. […]
If you have been doing kids’ ministry for any length of time, you have discovered that many do not see it as “real ministry.” This is false, of course, but people’s attitudes can still wear you down. As the leader, it’s critical that you not allow this to happen. You have to continue to encourage […]
Not knowing what to expect in life can cause anxiety and uneasiness in all of us. Right now our kids are having to face situations that we never had to deal with – along with just simply growing up. Fear can become overwhelming. What has become normal is not normal. When we face unknown situations, many […]
If you talk to most KidMin pastors, they will tell you that recruiting volunteers is the most stressful part of their job. Part of the reason for the stress is that many kids’ pastors spend much of their time on things that don’t work. First of all, let’s talk about what doesn’t work: Bulletin announcements […]