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Are You Working Too Much?

Are you working too much? I recently asked the following question on Facebook. “Are you full time and how many hours do you work each week?” The average answer was 51 hours. Not surprisingly, I came to the conclusion that many of us are working too much. I don’t have any problem saying, if you are consistently working […]

10 Ways A 10 Year Old Can Grow In Christ

Think about the kids in your class. Get their faces in your mind. Now, imagine it is ten years in the future. The kids in your class have graduated from high school. How many will still be in church? The truth is that most churches are losing the kids that grow up in their church. This […]

The Emotions Of Christmas

Christmas is a high-risk holiday. Many times I have had my expectations really high only to be disappointed by others. There have been more than a few Decembers I have drove hundreds of miles through inclement weather asking myself questions like, “Why am I doing this?” Let me explain. I could have a really fun […]

Should We Talk To Kids About The Virgin Birth?

As an eight your old boy I remember singing the line from Silent Night “round yon virgin, mother and child” and thinking, “What is a virgin?” When I asked adults the question, “What is a virgin?” they just avoided answering it. I feel like we do children a disservice when we don’t answer their questions. […]

Is Less Really More?

IS LESS REALLY MORE? Do kids need less of the Bible or more of the Bible? Chances are you answered more; however many churches have bought into the strategy of teach less for more. At Super Church our strategy is to teach more for more. More God More Jesus More of The Bible More of The Holy Spirit

Stop Saying Thank You!

I was making my rounds following the 11 AM service to saying ‘Thank You’ to all of my small group leaders. I entered the classroom of our 5th grade boys and I shook Guy’s hand and said ‘Thank You’. I started to release from the handshake but Guy hung on to my hand, looked me […]

It’s All About Who You Know

“It’s all about who you know” I first heard this statement from a pastor’s wife. She was commenting on how her job was too political. The inference was that people were promoted to positions of leadership, not based on their character or abilities, but simply on whom their friends were. Admittedly this does happen, however […]

Seven Deadly Sins Of KidMin Pastors

  People that head up children’s ministry in churches are a dedicated bunch. They genuinely love God and kids. They are hard working and underpaid, but that doesn’t mean they are perfect. I see a lot of people that get into children’s ministry for a few years and then bow out. The vast majority doesn’t […]

What Does Jesus Want for Christmas?

Imagine for a minute that it is your birthday and your best friend has planned a birthday party for you. You are super excited as you arrive at your party. Everybody is having a great time, but for some reason no one talks to you. When it’s time for gifts, your friends give gifts to […]