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How To Get Money For The Kids Ministry

A lot of Kid’s Pastors are naïve when it comes to money – they think that ministry is all spiritual. Your pastor is thinking about money everyday. Yes, your pastor is the primary preacher in your church but in most instances he is also the primary fundraiser. If it’s not your pastor it’s your church board, but someone […]

Should We Talk To Kids About Hell?

  The other day I was talking to a missionary friend of mine and he mentioned to me that most of what he heard growing up in church was, “If you don’t accept Christ, you will go to Hell.” As I thought about it I realized that I did not hear a lot about Hell in my church.

The Difference Between Parenting And Pastoring

We hear a lot today about family ministry and partnering with parents. While I agree with the concept of integrating strategy and creating synergy between the church and the home it is important to realize that there is a big difference between parenting and pastoring. The church and the home may have the same goals, but we […]

Why Kids Are Leaving The Church

Why Do So Many Church Kids Leave The Church? One of the most challenging things to teach kids is the grace of God. In my opinion this is why so many kids leave the church when they graduate from High School. They have not experienced God’s grace. For the most part the children in our classes […]