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Are You Burning Through Volunteers?

The other day I bumped into an old friend at Starbucks. My friend was overseeing the KidMin program at a new church and he asked if I could meet with him. Then he made this statement, “We are burning through a lot of volunteers.” If you are burning through volunteers then it tells you that […]

What Matters Most?

  The other day I was doing some consulting at a local church. I was interviewing some of the key volunteer leaders and one of them asked me a question. “What matters Most?”   I didn’t hesitate. “Begin with the end in Mind”   See, most people that work with kids are just trying to get through […]

How to Turn Volunteers Into Leaders

Not all your volunteers will become leaders. In fact, most volunteers do not want to lead, they just want to follow. Followers are people who want to follow. They don’t want to make decisions. They want someone to tell them what to do and they will do it. Leaders are people who want to lead. […]

Why Are Kids Selfish?

  “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another” – John 13:34 Jesus told us to love one another the same way that He loved us. If we walk in love we will not be selfish. We will think […]

Teaching Kids to Love Others

Self Pity is one of the greatest sources of unhappiness. On the other hand one of the greatest sources of happiness is in helping other people. We all have problems we are dealing with. If we stay focused on our problems we can become depressed. When we shift our focus to helping others it not only helps them but […]

Forgive & Forget

Bad things happen to everybody. God doesn’t cause bad things to happen, they are a part of life. Sometimes strangers will be mean to us. Sometimes people we love will say or do hurtful things. Sometimes bad things just happen.